Author Archives: admin

Take Better Pet Photos

10 Tips for Taking Great Photos of Your Pet

Most of us love to take photos of our pets – whether it’s a quick snap of them doing something cute or crazy to post on social media, or something more like a portrait which will give you a lasting memory of a beloved friend for many years to come. However sometimes these photos don’t always turn out quite as we’d hope – maybe they are blurry, or they look too bright or too dark.

In this article I’ll give you some tips based on years of experience of photography, to try and help you take better photos for you to keep and treasure for years to come. These tips aren’t just for cats and dogs – they are just as valid for other types of pet such as rabbits, lizards and birds.

Do Your Photos Look Like This?

Do Your Photos Look Like This?

With the advance of smartphone technology, most people these days have access to good quality cameras built-in to their phones so almost everyone has a camera with them virtually all of the time. Although you can spend a lot more on more advanced pocket-sized Point & Shoot cameras, or even Digital SLR cameras, the advice here is valid whichever camera you have. Continue reading

How to Keep Your Pet Cool on Hot Days

Keeping Your Pet CoolKeeping Your Pet Cool

Aren’t summer days great? It’s so nice to be able to enjoy the hot and sunny weather, but while we enjoy basking in the warmth of the sun, it’s important to prevent our pets from becoming overheated. Cats and dogs can’t cool themselves in the same way that humans can, and a pet that becomes overheated can suffer from dehydration, and in severe cases, die. Continue reading

Tough Dog Toys

15 of the Best Tough Dog Toys

As a dog owner, you will know how hard it is to find a tough dog toy that actually lives up to its name. Visit any online pet shop, and you’ll find dog toys being advertised as “Tough” and “Indestructible” but so many of them last just a few minutes. To help you find out which toys live up to their name, and which ones aren’t as tough as they claim we have pulled together 15 of the best and toughest dog toys. Continue reading

Automatic Pet Feeders

15 of The Best Automatic Pet Feeders

If you want to make sure your pet cat or dog has access to the right portions of food at regular intervals when you are not around, then an automatic pet food dispenser is ideal. There are a number of different models available, which means that choosing one isn’t easy. So to help you decide which one is best for you and your pet we have put together this article to highlight the best automatic cat and dog feeders available to buy. Continue reading

Easter Pet Gifts

Easter Treats For Your Pet

Spring is in the air, and Easter is approaching very quickly, so now is the perfect time to treat your pet to a little Easter treat!

Hot Cross Bun DogAn Easter favourite is the hot cross bun, but these contains raisins, which as you know are bad for dogs, and can cause kidney failure.

However these Hot Cross Buns for Dogs mean your dog can enjoy a mouth-watering treat along with you! They are specially baked for dogs, are 100% dog-friendly, and contain no harmful substances. Continue reading

10 of the Best Cat Beds

10 of the Best Cat Beds

Everyone knows that cats like to sleep. In fact, they spend an average of 16 hours a day sleeping so if anyone needs a good bed, it is our furry feline friends. However finding a bed that they like is easier said than done! As a cat owner myself, I know how particular they can be – they often turn their noses up at the bed you have spent your hard-earned money on, and curl up in the tatty cardboard box it was delivered in.

But even the most fussy cat will find it hard to resist one of the fantastic cat beds that we have found online – check them out, and see what you think! Continue reading