Category Archives: Advice

Take Better Pet Photos

10 Tips for Taking Great Photos of Your Pet

Most of us love to take photos of our pets – whether it’s a quick snap of them doing something cute or crazy to post on social media, or something more like a portrait which will give you a lasting memory of a beloved friend for many years to come. However sometimes these photos don’t always turn out quite as we’d hope – maybe they are blurry, or they look too bright or too dark.

In this article I’ll give you some tips based on years of experience of photography, to try and help you take better photos for you to keep and treasure for years to come. These tips aren’t just for cats and dogs – they are just as valid for other types of pet such as rabbits, lizards and birds.

Do Your Photos Look Like This?

Do Your Photos Look Like This?

With the advance of smartphone technology, most people these days have access to good quality cameras built-in to their phones so almost everyone has a camera with them virtually all of the time. Although you can spend a lot more on more advanced pocket-sized Point & Shoot cameras, or even Digital SLR cameras, the advice here is valid whichever camera you have. Continue reading

How to Keep Your Pet Cool on Hot Days

Keeping Your Pet CoolKeeping Your Pet Cool

Aren’t summer days great? It’s so nice to be able to enjoy the hot and sunny weather, but while we enjoy basking in the warmth of the sun, it’s important to prevent our pets from becoming overheated. Cats and dogs can’t cool themselves in the same way that humans can, and a pet that becomes overheated can suffer from dehydration, and in severe cases, die. Continue reading

Keep Pets Safe Fireworks

Fireworks & Pets – Keeping Pets Safe on Fireworks Night

As the days become shorter, and Summer turns to Autumn, it won’t be long until Bonfire Night is here. And with other celebrations such as Diwali, Christmas and New Year coming up soon as well, there will be plenty of fireworks going off, which are great for us to watch and enjoy, but can be very scary for animals. In fact, a survey by the Dogs Trust showed that 66% of dogs, and 57% of cats suffer from firework fear.

If you are worried about how your pet will cope during fireworks displays, we have got lots of advice to help keep your pets calm and safe. Continue reading

10 Household Items That Could Harm Your Cat

10 Items That Can Harm Your CatAs we all know, cats can be very fussy eaters so it’s sometimes said that they are less likely to be poisoned than dogs, who tend to be less picky about what they eat. However, due to their curious nature, and their grooming habits, it is not uncommon for cats to eat something bad for them – sometimes with deadly consequences. Here is a list of 10 things that are commonly found at home that can be dangerous to cats.
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